Thursday, March 10, 2016

Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Text Title: Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
Level: Lexile Level: 410L, Grade Level: 2nd - 5th, DRA level:24, Guided Reading Level: M,  
Fiction/NF: Fiction

Book Introduction (Before Reading) (describe how you will teach/re-enforce these skills within the text you’ve selected)

First off, I would one of my guided reading level groups back to the table. These groups will be set up by color. I will have a Pink, Blue, Green, Orange and Yellow group. I will call them back by saying "I need my Pink group back to the table please." 

Introduce the word Comprehension. 
"Does anybody know what the word "Comprehension" means?"
"Comprehension means that you understand what you read and are able to tell somebody about it after you read something."
"We are going to be focusing on comprehension for the next couple of weeks. You all will read four chapters a week, one chapter on Monday, one on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, and one of Thursday. I will assign the chapters daily." 
"We will be coming together five days a week to discuss the chapters that you have read the night before. We will talk about comprehension and a few other things." 

Introduce the book:
"This book is called "Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business" and it is about Junie B. getting a surprise, but come to find out it is not a surprise that she wants. Junie B. wanted a present, but what she got was most definitely not a present. Lets read and find out all about Junie B. and her surprise."

After introducing the book, I would give each student in the group a copy of the book. I will also give them an assignment to read the first chapter of the book.

"First, lets look at the cover of the book, Can you tell me what you think will happen with the surprise that Junie B. gets? Do you think you know what the surprise might be? I want you to read the first chapter of the book so you can find out all about Junie. B and her unwanted surprise. When we meet tomorrow, we will discuss the first chapter and I will be asking several different comprehension questions."

Phonics Focus: (CC): CCSS,LITERACY-ELA.RF.2.3.a "Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one syllable words. 

Long Vowel Sounds
Long Vowel Sounds Spelling Patterns FREE poster!

Work Work Activity (Hyperlink)

Students will go over this chart before reading and will then pick out at least two words from every chapter that have Long Vowel Sounds. 

Vocabulary Focus: Vocab Words From Chapter One: 

1. Surprise
2. Present
3. Bounced 
4. Pine Forest 
6. Monkey Business

            Work Work Activity:

 Minds in Bloom: Search results for vocabulary:

During Reading (describe how you will teach/re-enforce these skills within the text you’ve selected)

Students will read the chapters on their own, and then we will come back as a group and talk all about that particular chapter. We will talk about several different things when we come back together as a group. We will talk about comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, and several other things. I will make sure to help the students who may be having trouble. I will also give the students a chance to ask questions they may have.

I will ask each student to go through the chapter and find one word that they would like to know more about. I will also ask each student to tell me their favorite part of the first chapter. We will continue this with each chapter of the book. 

            Comprehension Fiction: 
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3 "Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges."

character response:

Fluency and phrasing
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.4.a "Read grade level text with purpose and understanding"
Ways to Make Fluency Fun:

Students will read the text, and every day I will choose one person at a time to pick a stick out of the bucket. They will "read like a grandma" out of their book.

Word decoding
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.3.c "Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels"
FREE Long Vowel Spelling Game (CVCe Words) - Spin and Spell ~ with 6 Printable Boards | This Reading Mama:

After Reading (describe how you will teach/re-enforce these skills within the text you’ve selected)

            Writing Activity: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 "Write Opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (eg. because, and, also) to connect opinion, and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section"

"Please get out your writing journals."
"I want you to think about if your mom and dad were to say they had a surprise for you. What do you think it would be? What would you want it to be? Think about if your mom and dad said that you were going to get a little brother. What would your opinion be about having a little brother?"
"What is an opinion? An opinion is not a fact, it is simply a statement of what you believe or what you think"
"I want you to introduce the book we are reading and tell about Junie. B. Jones and her unwanted surprise. Then I want you to write your opinion on getting a little brother. Tell me the reasons why you think that it would be awesome, or why you would not like it."
"Once you are done writing, turn it in to the "Needs Grading" box an in a couple of days, we will have a writing conference about how to improve it." 

·         Group set of the book “Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business" by Barbara Parks
2. Journal
3. Pencils
4. Vocabulary game supplies
5. Fluency bucket of sticks
6. Character Response Graphic Organizer
7. Long Vowel sounds chart

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